Want to know how to get the Unicorn Bionic Frame in Tower of Fantasy? During your travels in the world of the Tower of Fantasy, you have to travel long distances, and you can use vehicles to do it faster. There are relatively many vehicles in the game, and all of them are divided into three groups: those you get as you progress through the story, bonus vehicles, and those you have to create yourself. The Unicorn is the third type of vehicle, and to craft it, you need to find four items, one of which is the Unicorn Bionic Frame. Finding it is not difficult, but getting to it is not so easy, but our guide is here to help you and tell you how to get the Unicorn Bionic Frame in Tower of Fantasy.
How to Get the Unicorn Bionic Frame in Tower of Fantasy
As we said, you must collect four items to craft a Unicorn vehicle. And it is worth noting that the Unicorn Bionic Frame is the hardest to get among these items. To obtain this item, you must travel to the distant and cold Warren region and be stealthy and agile. Once you unlock the Warren region, here’s what you need to do to get the Unicorn Bionic Frame in Tower of Fantasy:
Head to the Southern Naa Fjords Spacerift, on the coast of the Warren region.
After approaching this place, go through the water to a massive building.
Climb to the top of this building and approach the sliding metal door.
Near the door, you must enter the code 7092.
Upon entering the building, you will almost immediately see several drones. Try to walk covertly so that the drones do not notice you. Otherwise, the drones will throw you out of the building, and you will have to go through it again. Hiding and going unnoticed is relatively easy, as there are a lot of furniture and boxes along the way to hide behind.
After going through several corridors, you will stumble upon a ladder that you must go down.
Once you’ve gone down, explore the corridors and hide from the enemies. After a while, you will find a golden Special Supply Pod.
Open it, and you’ll get a Unicorn Bionic Frame.
Tower of Fantasy: How to Get the Dust Wheeler
After that, you can collect the remaining items and create a unique and relatively fast vehicle for yourself.
Tower of Fantasy is available on PC, Android, and iOS.