The Dust Wheeler is one of the most prestigious Vehicles in Tower of Fantasy, not only because of its stylish appearance but also due to its specific unlock conditions. This Vehicle is characterized by a single massive wheel that sits its pilot within the center, resembling General Grievous’ TSMEU-6 Wheel Bike in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Needless to say, this MMO Mount looks incredibly cool and matches the sci-fi, postapocalyptic setting of the world of Aesperia. Nevertheless, earning the right to ride this Vehicle is quite challenging, as Tower of Fantasy fans will need to participate in the game PvP activities.

Unlocking The Dust Wheeler In Tower Of Fantasy

To unlock the Dust Wheeler in Tower of Fantasy, Wanderers must attain the rank of Grand Marshal in Apex League, the game’s 1v1 PvP arena-based activity. A ranking system is used to determine the position of the players on the leaderboard, with Private being the lowest and the Grand Marshal title for the top combatants.

Tower of Fantasy: How to Get Hearts of Summit

Due to the nature of PvP in Tower of Fantasy, Apex League participants can either have a great experience or an awful time getting steamrolled by other combatants with superior Simulacra. This activity utilizes a “first-to-2-points” system to determine the winner. Each match lasts 5 minutes, and if the battle lasts too long, the arena will shrink every 75 seconds. While mechanical skill is the core determiner of who comes out victorious, many other factors come into play as well, such as server latency, pay-to-win character comps, poor internet connection, and more. Therefore, as unfortunate as it might sound, unlocking the Dust Wheeler in Tower of Fantasy might not be worthwhile for those who are free-to-play, prefer casual gameplay, or possess less suitable network quality. 

Conversely, those willing to put the time, effort, and even money into Apex League will undoubtedly have an engaging experience climbing the ranks. Reaching Grand Marshal is not something that can be done in a casual manner, requiring both deep game knowledge, quick reflexes, and a quality setup. According to YouTube content creator Volkin, here are the top three Simulacra comps that synergize well for PvP-oriented combat: 

  • Nemesis: Venus

  • Meryl: Rosy Edge

  • Coco Ritter: Absolute Zero

  • Zero: Negating Cube

  • Huma: Molten Shield V2

  • Crow: Thunderblades

  • Samir: Dual EM Stars

  • Tsubasa: Icewind Arrow

Tower of Fantasy is available on PC, Android, and iOS.

Source: Volkin