Do you want to know how to get Crimson Meteor Vehicle in Tower of Fantasy? In version 1.5 of Tower of Fantasy, you can find various new game items such as building modes, fashion items, game mechanics, and vehicles. Crimson Meteor Vehicle is one of the new vehicles that has been added to the game. This guide will show you how to get Crimson Meteor Vehicle in the Tower of Fantasy.

What is the Crimson Meteor Vehicle in Tower of Fantasy?

You must remember currently, this mount is only available in the Chinese version of the Tower of Fantasy. However, you have an opportunity to get the reskin from the gachapon boxes during the event period. But it will be a rare opportunity if you could get it from there.

As we have mentioned earlier, this is a newly added vehicle to version 1.5 of the Tower of Fantasy. You must unlock Artificial Island Construction/Building Mode to get this vehicle. In addition, you will need 140 Tech Store Tokens to buy Tis mount in Tower of Fantasy. You need to exchange 20,000 from each Metal, Fiber, Energy, Supply, and Renovation material at the store to get 100 Tech Store Tokens. In addition, you can collect another 40 Tokens by spending 600 from each composite and quality building material. Remember, the only thing you can buy from Tech Store Tokens in Tower of Fantasy is Crimson Meteor Vehicle. So, make sure you spend your materials wisely.

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How to Get the Crimson Meteor Vehicle in the Tower of Fantasy?

To get the Crimson Meteor Vehicle, follow the steps below.

  • Unlock Artificial Island Construction/Building Mode
  • Exchange 20,000 for each Metal, Fiber, Energy, Supply, and Renovation material at the store to get 100 Tech Store Tokens
  • Collect another 40 Tech Store Tokens by spending composite and quality building materials at the store.
  • Buy the Crimson Meteor Vehicle from Home Island Shop.

Tower of Fantasy is available on PC, Android, and iOS.