The Spacetime Rift is an SSR Relic in Tower of Fantasy capable of creating a mini-black hole that draws targets to its vortex while dealing damage. While this Relic’s utility in boss fights is questionable, it is undoubtedly an excellent combative CC tool when fighting normal enemy mobs and elites. In particular, Wanderers who main ranged weaponry will highly benefit from the Spacetime Rift, enabling them to execute devasting attacks while the Relic’s vortex sucks in enemy targets while simultaneously draining their HP. Accordingly, adventurers will likely wonder how they can get this SSR Relic in Tower of Fantasy.

Unlocking The Spacetime Rift In Tower Of Fantasy

The Spacetime Rift in Tower of Fantasy cannot be obtained as a singular reward but is instead unlocked through its Relic Shards. Once Wanderers collect thirty of these shards, they will be able to assemble the Relic and use it in combat. Therefore, knowing where to acquire these Shards is an essential step.

Tower of Fantasy: How to Get Weapon Batteries

According to YouTube content creator ZaFrostPet, Tower of Fantasy offers three primary ways to acquire Spacetime Rift Relic Shards in Aesperia. Two source guarantees the Shards as a reward, while the third is heavily RNG-dependent. 

Finally, there is a fourth way to unlock the Spacetime Rift instantly without any prerequisites using the SSR Relic Box, one of the digital goods included in the Collector’s Edition Pass. However, this method is not free and costs real-world money.

  • This Ruin can be found northeast of the Shelter in Warren, the late-game region of the map.

  • To enter this Ruin on Easy Mode, Wanderers will need to be at least Level 41.

  • Level 57 is required for Normal Mode, and 68 is the prerequisite for Hard.

  • Players can earn a total of 25 out of the 30 required Relic Shards by completing all of the difficulty modes of this Ruin:

  • Easy Mode: Spacetime Rift Shards ×5

  • Normal Mode: Spacetime Rift Shards ×10

  • Hard Mode: Spacetime Rift Shards ×15

  • Easy Mode: Spacetime Rift Shards ×5

  • Normal Mode: Spacetime Rift Shards ×10

  • Hard Mode: Spacetime Rift Shards ×15

  • SSR Relic Shard Boxes can be acquired from Gifts or rewards from event-based activities like the Pass.

  • Keep in mind that only the SSR Relic Shard Box allows players to manually choose the Spacetime Rift Shard, while the randomized box variants can drop any Shard.

  • Completion of these randomized world events can potentially reward Wanderers with SSR Relic Shards.

  • However, the rewards will always be random, and sometimes the player might not even receive Shards for SSR Relics.

  • Due to its RNG, this is not a reliable source for unlocking the Spacetime Rift but is still an excellent activity for rare rewards.

Tower of Fantasy is available on PC, Android, and iOS.

Source: ZaFrostPet