“Wanderer Creation Limit Reached” is a server-related error that Tower of Fantasy fans might encounter during the initial cutscene when mutated canines are chasing the two Executors. At a certain point, the animation will freeze, and players will be prompted to choose between a male or female preset. However, while the cutscene is supposed to continue after the decision has been made, some might be met with the “Wanderer Creation Limit Reached” window, indicating that the server is not accepting any more new players in its world. There are potentially three ways to fix the Wanderer Creation Limit in Tower of Fantasy.

Fixing Wanderer Creation Limit in Tower of Fantasy

The first and most straightforward method to fix the “Wanderer Creation Limit Reached” error in Tower of Fantasy is by returning to the title screen and selecting a new server. Within the server list, choose one that matches one’s region while checking if it’s marked with the green “Smooth” icon.

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While entering a server with a high population might be desirable, Tower of Fantasy newcomers are encouraged to select a green-colored server over those with the red “Queue” or golden “Hot” icon. Naturally, some players might be nervous that the “Smooth” color indicates the server is empty or “dead.” Rest assured, almost every server has Wanderers playing in its world. After all, if one of the less-populated servers is not to the players’ liking, they can always swap to another before progressing too far.

Conversely, there might be a case where Tower of Fantasy fans insists on joining a specific server. Perhaps their friends and acquaintances are on the server, or they prefer the name of the world. Whatever the case, running into the “Wanderer Creation Limit Reached” issue in Tower of Fantasy is certainly not something such players wish to see. According to the YouTube channel SimpLee FiX, one simple yet chancy method of fixing this problem is waiting several hours and attempting to join again. As cliché as it might sound, sometimes patience is the solution to such server-based issues.

Alternatively, SimpLee FiX advises that Tower of Fantasy fans attempt to fix the Wanderer Creation Limit by using a VPN to enter their target server. While there’s currently no known information regarding if VPNs are against the game’s TOS, using one to play Tower of Fantasy should be done at one’s risk. 

Tower of Fantasy is available on PC, Android, and iOS.

Source: SimpLee FiX