Do you want to know how to craft SSR Matrix Sets in Tower of Fantasy? Hotta Studio has added many new features along with new areas and game mechanics in the latest update of the Tower Fantasy, released on September 15, 2022. Many matrices in the Tower of Fantasy and SSR Matrices are the hardest to achieve. This guide will tell you how to craft an SSR Matrix set in the Tower of Fantasy.

What are SSR Matrix Sets in Tower of Fantasy?

You can use matrices in Tower of Fantasy to equip your weapons to increase their weapon stats, such as HP, resistance, and attack. These Matrices also offer unique bonuses when you equip them from the same Matrix. Usually, you get two to four bonuses depending on the rarity of the Matrix. You can equip four Matrices for any weapon in the areas of Mind, Memory, Belief, and Emotions. There are four types of Matrices currently available on Tower of Fantasy. The Matrices are N(Green), R(Blue), SR(Purple), and SSR(Gold). SSR Matrix sets are the ultra rare Matrix set that is difficult to obtain.

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How to Craft SSR Matrix Sets in Tower of Fantasy?

To craft an SSR matrix, you must unlock Artificial Island Building mode. You can prepare SSR Marix sets using the fusion feature available at the workshop. You need to spend a certain amount of material to craft SSR matrix sets. Remember, even if you perform fusion, sometimes you will not get an SSR matrix set. The fusion success rate is not 100%. It would be best if you kept trying until you succeeded. The requirements and materials needed to craft each SSR Matrix set are below.

We hope this guide has been helpful and that you can now craft an SSR Matrix set in the Tower of Fantasy. Please remember that these sets can be challenging to obtain, but they are worth the effort. Thanks for reading, and good luck!

Tower of Fantasy is available on PC, Android, and iOS.

Source: AOTF