Total War: WARHAMMER II has received its 1.12 update, so here’s the official list of changes and additions with this update. This patch changes quite a bit for Total War: WARHAMMER II (as evident by the 6000-word notes), releasing alongside The Silence and the Fury Lords pack. Keep in mind that if you don’t purchase this pack, the lords and their factions will still appear in your games as AI players. You can also score yourself some free DLC whether you purchase the pack or not. You can find the Great Bray Shaman and Ogre Mercenaries through Total War Access, and Thorek Ironbrow via Steam. Without further adieu though, here’s everything that’s been changed with Total War: WARHAMMER II update 1.12!

Total War: WARHAMMER II Update 1.12 Patch Notes



  • New technology effects have been added which grant all Skink units Poison Attacks and Vanguard Deployment
  • Most Skink units now have the Quick Learner trait, reducing the amount of XP required for them to gain ranks
  • Several building chain changes:
  • Secondary building requirements removed from several units
  • Saurus are now only available from Tier 2 (previously Tier 1)
  • Bastilodons and Terradon Riders are now available at Tier 2 (previously Tier 3).


  • Small reshuffle of Norscan units within the building tree to allow for more unit variety.

Total War: WARHAMMER II Update 1.12 – Unit Balancing


Dark Elves




High Elves


Tomb Kings

Vampire Coast

Vampire Counts

Warriors of Chaos

Wood Elves



Total War: WARHAMMER II and update 1.12 are available exclusively on PC and Mac. For more information regarding this update, check out the official patch notes.


Emboldened by the rampaging of Taurox, the Beastmen explode from the shadows to wreak HAVOC! The Beastmen have undergone some ferocious faction furtling in order to make their campaigns more fun, engaging and lore-thentic in execution. Their new features, systems and resources focus on high mobility, with rewards and progression gained through expanding levels of bestial destruction.


Dread is a new resource for Beastmen and is gained through completing missions, razing settlements and winning battles, where higher casualties bring greater rewards. Dread can be spent invoking the favour of the Dark Gods using the new Rewards of Dread panel, where many elements of your faction’s progression are unlocked. These rewards unlock Legendary Lords and heroes for use, grant new magic items and upgrade many aspects of your faction. Upkeep costs have also been removed from all Beastmen units, so unit caps are now the chief limiting factor for armies, and these can also be expanded via The Rewards of Dread.


The Beastmen can select regions of the map and turn them into their own personal playgrounds for slaughter and mayhem. These are known as Bloodgrounds.

A Bloodground is created when the player wins a settlement battle and erects a Herdstone in the settlement’s place. This converts the region, plus nearby regions, into a Bloodground. As the player engages in destructive activities within the Bloodground, such as raiding, winning battles and razing settlements, its Devastation level rises. Certain technologies, Herdstone buildings, and skills can further increase these Devastation gains. When enough Devastation has been generated, the player can perform a Ritual of Ruin.


Performing a Ritual of Ruin changes the Bloodground into a Devastated Bloodground. All generated Devastation is converted into Marks of Ruination, a key progression resource, and increases the player’s Herdstone cap by one.

Ruination is tracked at the top of the campaign screen. When certain Ruination thresholds are met, key bonuses are granted, including increased unit and army caps, reduced construction costs and further Herdstone Shards.


A Devastated Bloodground is a chaos-tainted, corpse-strewn hellhole which is very difficult for any non-Beastmen factions to function within. As long as a Herdstone remains standing, other factions cannot colonise any ruined regions in its associated Bloodground. The Herdstone can be removed by attacking and destroying it like any other settlement.


The Dark Moon feature has been updated! Now Beastmen receive constant effects based on the state of the Moon, and there are no longer downsides associated with the Full Moon dilemmas.


All existing Beastmen lords now lead their own, separate factions on the campaign map.

Additionally, all Beastmen Legendary Lords and generic characters have received revamped faction and lord effects. Some of the highlights:

  • Khazrak now grants Vanguard Deployment to Bestigors and Poison Attacks to Ungors
  • Malagor now uses a hybrid Lore of Magic, and has greatly increased movement range in Beast-Paths stance
  • Morghur grants additional buffs to Chaos Spawn, including the ability to hand them powerful banners. He now also applies attrition to nearby enemy forces while raiding.

…Oh, and Malagor can also fly now.

Look at him go!


With the arrival of Thorek Ironbrow (and his intense frown of disapproval), we had no choice but to grant the redoubtable Dawi the same love and attention that other Old World races have received. This overhaul touches nearly all aspects of the Dwarf factions’ shared mechanics, not least Grudges and Runecrafting.


The Grudge bar has been expanded with more tiers and more significant effects granted at each tier. Clearing Grudges is now more attainable, making the system more balanced and rewarding. Your Legendary Lord’s Grudge level grants increasing stat boosts, and influences how many Wandering Slayers he can recruit.


Slayers may still be recruited in settlements as normal. However, they will also become available in the Regiments of Renown recruitment pool, in direct relation to your faction’s Grudge level:

  • When the Grudge bar is full, many Dwarfs will feel shame, and will choose to walk the path of the Slayer
  • When it is low, fewer Dwarfs will feel the need to swear Slayer oaths, and the pool will replenish more slowly


  • Each Dwarf Legendary Lord begins play with four unique Legendary Grudges in the Dammaz Kron which inform the flow of their campaigns

  • Thorek Ironbrow begins with eight, relating to the artifacts he needs to locate

  • These Grudges have a higher severity rating and add a sense of progression to Grudges

  • Legendary Grudges award considerably more Oathgold than generated Grudges and, in some cases, powerful buffs or unique Master Runes (see below).

  • Thorek Ironbrow begins with eight, relating to the artifacts he needs to locate


Some post-battle options for Dwarfs have been altered to improve them thematically, given the Dawi’s relationships with and attitudes towards specific races. These can grant bonuses for defensive play, and provide a valid new source of Oathgold:

Victory VS Dwarfs:

  • Ransom captives: Ransoms prisoners for Oathgold
  • Drink to Victory! Province buff
  • Take On Captives: Replenishment

Victory VS hated races (EG Greenskins, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Chaos etc):

  • Execute and loot: Oathgold
  • Drink to Victory! Province buff

Victory VS not-so-hated races (EG Humans, Elves etc):

  • Ransom captives: Ransoms prisoners for Oathgold
  • Drink to Victory! Province buff



As High King of the Dwarfs, all of Thorgrim’s provincial commandments are now more powerful. Thorgrim also gains additional bonuses from settling Grudges, with four unique follow-up incidents for all grudge missions:

  • Tribute from the Craft-guilds: gold
  • Tribute from the Thanes: Oathgold and diplomatic bonuses with Dwarf factions
  • Tribute from the Brewers: factionwide Public Order and Growth
  • Tribute from the Slayers: More Wandering Slayers added to the RoR pool

Lord Effects:

  • Bonus Physical Resistance and Guardian effect for Hammerers
  • Thorgrim now begins play with a Master Engineer Hero


Grombrinal Now begins player with a Master Engineer Hero


Thane Heroes now have three new skills:

  • Keeper of the Gate

  • Guardian effect for self

  • Vigour Loss Reduction for Hammerers

  • Ironbeard

  • Bonus fire resistance

  • Imbues Flammable effect

  • Bonus ammo for Ironbreakers and Irondrakes

  • Wanderer

  • Vanguard and Stalk effects for Self

  • Grants Snipe to Rangers

  • Guardian effect for self

  • Vigour Loss Reduction for Hammerers

  • Bonus fire resistance

  • Imbues Flammable effect

  • Bonus ammo for Ironbreakers and Irondrakes

  • Vanguard and Stalk effects for Self

  • Grants Snipe to Rangers


The Engineer skill tree has been reworked, allowing you to specialise a character as a long-range sniper or a close-quarters, shotgun-wielding bruiser.


Runesmiths now have a new skill tree to reflect the changes to Rune Magic (see below), and can now unlock two special embedded army actions: Harden Armour and Sharpen Weapons.


The Runecrafting system has been much expanded, with the goal of allowing players to create Rune combos for characters in order to customise them with interesting, varied, and powerful upgrades.

  • A large number of new Character Runes and Banner Runes have been added to the game. Players now have a broader choice for character and army improvement through Character Runes (buffing the character’s performance) and Banner Runes (unit banners and artillery buffs).
  • Players can craft these Runes through the new Character Rune and Banner Rune tabs in the Forge. Each Runecrafting ritual in the Forge can only be performed once, but each ritual will generate three Runes for use across multiple characters. Master Runes can also be crafted, which produces a single, powerful Rune.
  • Dwarf characters now have three dedicated Character Rune slots, so equipping Character Runes doesn’t take up any other equipment slots. However, Banner Runes which benefit units in their army can also be added under the Followers, Runes and Banners pane in the in the character panel.


Rune Magic has had an overhaul to bring its effectiveness and tactical flexibility in battle into line with the Lores of Magic wielded by other races, whilst still very pointedly being NOT MAGIC.

There are six Runes of Magic which can be used by Runelords, Runesmiths and Thorek. There are also six Master Runes of Magic – more powerful versions with longer cooldowns, which can only be used by Runelords and Thorek Ironbrow. When a Rune is used in battle, it puts all that character’s Runes into a shared cooldown period.




  • Fleet-Footed: Removed Trait from Lord and Hero trait generation
  • Nurgle’s Foul Stink: Previously: Enemy Leadership (local region) -5. Now: Enemy Leadership (local region) -4
  • Booze Cravings: Previously: -10% Upkeep for Centigors and +3 Recruit Rank Centigors. Now: Passive ability: “Rowdy” and +4 Leadership.


  • “Oaths of Loyalty” now also provides +10 Diplomacy with Dwarfs
  • “High Kings Authority” now also provides +20 Diplomacy with Dwarfs
  • “Storage Vaults” now also provides +2 Siege holdout time
  • “Grand Throne Chamber” Lord recruit rank: +1 to +3
  • “Seastones” now also provides +10% Ambush defence chance
  • “Militia training” Melee attack/defence: +2 for Dwarf Warriors and Miners to +3
  • “Marching Songs” Speed: +5% for infantry units to +10%
  • “Tales of Many Wars” now also provides +1 recruit rank for Thanes
  • “Improved Gyrocopter Engines” now also enables “Fire Whilst Moving” for Gyrocopter units


  • Small rework of building chains/unit positions to allow for more unit variety and easier access to Hero recruitment

  • Two new Landmark buildings added: “Lost Underway Junction” and “Ironbrow’s Weapons Shops”.

  • Secondary building requirements removed from several units

  • Saurus are now only available from Tier 2 (previously Tier 1)

  • Bastilodons and Terradon Riders are now available at Tier 2 (previously Tier 3).


Khazrak (Razorgor Chariot)

  • Cost 1350 to 1450
  • Melee Defence 26 to 34
  • Melee Attack 34 to 40
  • Charge 105 to 100
  • Armour-Piercing damage 280 to 300
  • Anti-Infantry 28 to 30

Beastlord (Razorgor Chariot)

  • Melee Defence 20 to 32
  • Melee Attack 32 to 38
  • Charge 95 to 90
  • Anti-Infantry 28 to 25
  • Cost 1200 to 1250


  • Cost 600 to 1000

  • Mass 800 to 1200

  • Malagor can now fly

  • Spell lore changed from Lore of Wild to Mixed Lore with the following spells:

  • Enfeebling Foe

  • Flock of Doom

  • Penumbral Pendulum

  • Doom & Darkness

  • Mantle of Ghorok

  • Savage Dominion

  • Enfeebling Foe

  • Flock of Doom

  • Penumbral Pendulum

  • Doom & Darkness

  • Mantle of Ghorok

  • Savage Dominion


  • Mass 800 to 1200

Bray Shaman (Razorgor Chariot)

  • Cost 700 to 850
  • Armour 80 to 100
  • Melee Defence 18 to 30
  • Melee Attack 24 to 34
  • Charge 70 to 80
  • Armour-Piercing damage 200 to 210
  • Anti-Infantry 24 to 25

Defenders of the Fleur-de-lis (Knight Errant)

  • Cost 850 to 925

Battle Pilgrims

  • Melee Attack 32 to 30
  • Armour-Piercing damage 7 to 6

The Holy Wardens of La Maisontaal (Battle Pilgrims)

  • Melee Attack 41 to 38

Grail Reliquae

  • Melee Attack 24 to 22

Blessed Field Trebuchet

  • Melee Defence from 5 to 6.


  • Melee Attack 70 to 68

Hellebron (Dark Steed)

Hellebron (Cauldron of Blood)

  • Melee Attack 40 to 38
  • Melee Defence 22 to 28
  • Cost 2000 to 1950

Hellebron (Manticore)

  • Melee Attack 60 to 58

Death Hag

  • Melee Attack 62 to 60
  • Bonus vs Infantry 25 to 20

Death Hag (Cauldron of Blood)

  • Cost 1400 to 1350
  • Melee Attack 34 to 32
  • Melee Defence 22 to 28

Hellebronai (Dreadspears)

  • Cost 700 to 650

Witch Elves

  • Melee Attack 38 to 36

Sisters of the Singing Doom (Witch Elves)

  • Melee Attack 48 to 45

Bloodwrack Medusa

  • Projectile Calibration Distance 45 to 65 (more accurate)
  • Tweaked projectile spawn position to help fire over allies
  • Missile Bonus vs Infantry 0 to 10

Doomfire Warlocks

  • Melee Defence 22 to 26

Slaanesh Harversters (Doomfire Warlocks)

  • Melee Defence 29 to 34

War Hydra

  • Cost 1650 to 1600
  • Melee Defence 26 to 32

Chill of Sontar (War Hydra)

  • Cost 2000 to 1950
  • Melee Defence 34 to 41


  • Cost 1700 to 1650
  • Melee Defence 30 to 38

Sisters of Slaughter

  • Melee Attack 37 to 39
  • Melee Defence 57 to 58

Ravagers of Rakarth (Scourgerunner Chariot)

  • Cost 1250 to 1200

Thorgrim Grudgebearer

  • Can now Hide in Forest
  • Mass 900 to 2500


  • Removed ability “Flash Bomb” in Custom battle

Rune Lord (Anvil of Doom)

  • Mass 900 to 2500


  • Swapped Item “Master Rune of Groth One-Eye” for “Ironwarden’s Shield” in Custom Battle
  • Swapped Item “The Hammer of Karak Drazh” for “Ironbeard’s Ring” in Custom Battle

Runesmith (Ghost)

  • Cost 1000 to 1100
  • Swapped Item “Master Rune of Groth One-Eye” for “Ironwarden’s Shield” in Custom Battle
  • Swapped Item “The Hammer of Karak Drazh” for “Ironbeard’s Ring” in Custom Battle

Master Engineer

  • Removed passive ability “Extra Powder” in Custom battle
  • Added ability “Flash Bomb” in Custom battle
  • Added ability “Restock” in Custom battle

Master Engineer (Ghost)

Norgrimlings Ironbreakers

  • Cost 1600 to 1650
  • Melee Attack 38 to 43

Peak Gate Guard (Hammerers)

  • Cost 1450 to 1550
  • Melee Defence 44 to 48


  • Cost 1100 to 1200
  • Max Splash Attacks 1 to 2
  • Melee Defence 35 to 38


  • Cost 1200 to 1250
  • Melee Attack 30 to 34

Ekrund Miners (Miners with Blasting Charges)

  • Removed passive ability “Frenzy”


  • Improved response times when ordered to stop and fire



  • Melee Attack 32 to 30

The Tattersouls (Flagellants)


  • Melee Attack 43 to 41

Wurrzag (Boar)

  • Melee Attack 43 to 41
  • Charge speed 100 to 104
  • Run speed 62 to 70


  • Mass 1400 to 1300

Black Orc Big Boss (Boar)

  • Charge speed 100 to 104
  • Run speed 62 to 70

Orc Shaman (Boar)

Orc Warboss (Boar)

Snotling Pump Wagon Flappas

  • Charge 80 to 75

Snotling Pump Wagon Roller

  • Charge 40 to 50

Savage Orc Boar Boy Big ‘Uns

  • Leadership 58 to 60
  • Melee Attack 28 to 26
  • Charge speed 100 to 104
  • Run speed 66 to 70

Savage Orc Boar Boyz

  • Melee Attack 26 to 24
  • Charge speed 100 to 104
  • Run speed 64 to 70

Savage Orc Arrer Boyz

  • Leadership 52 to 55
  • Melee Attack 24 to 22

Savage Orc Big ‘Uns

  • Melee Attack 40 to 38

Savage Orcs

  • Leadership 58 to 60
  • Melee Attack 28 to 26

Orc Boar Boy Big ‘Uns

  • Charge speed 95 to 104
  • Run speed 62 to 70

Broken Tusks Mob (Orc Boar Boy Big ‘Uns)

Orc Boar Boyz

  • Charge speed 95 to 104
  • Run speed 60 to 70

Orc Boar Chariot

  • Cost 950 to 750
  • Charge 80 to 72
  • Charge speed 95 to 104
  • Run speed 62 to 70
  • Mass 1400 to 1300

Goblin Wolf Rider Archers

  • Cost 375 to 400

Mogrubb’s Mangy Marauders (Goblin Wolf Rider Archers)

  • Cost 600 to 625

Forest Goblin Spider Riders

  • Cost 400 to 425

Forest Goblin Spider Rider Archers

  • Cost 450 to 475

Deff Creepers (Forest Goblin Spider Rider Archers)

Mistwalkers Faithbearers

  • Melee Attack 39 to 37


  • Mass 2700 to 4000
  • Cost 1650 to 1550


  • Melee Attack 55 to 53

Tehenhauin (Horned One)

Tehenhauin (Ripperdactyl)

Tehenhauin (Ancient Stegadon)

  • Melee Attack 26 to 24

Kroq Gar (Grymloq)

  • Melee Attack 55 to 53
  • Armour-Piercing damage 375 to 360
  • Base damage 165 to 120


  • Cost 900 to 800

Mazdamundi (Zlaaq)

  • Cost 1800 to 1900

Ancient Kroxigor

  • Mass 2100 to 3500

Saurus Old Blood (Carnosaur)

  • Melee Attack 45 to 43
  • Armour-Piercing damage 375 to 330
  • Base damage 125 to 110

Red Crested Skink Chief

Red Crested Skink Chief (Horned One)

Red Crested Skink Chief (Ripperdactyl)

Red Crested Skink Chief (Ancient Stegadon)

Saurus Scar Veteran (Carnosaur)

  • Melee Attack 41 to 39
  • Armour-Piercing damage 350 to 315
  • Base damage 115 to 105

Skink Chief

  • Cost 350 to 400

Feral Carnosaur

Ripperdactyl Riders

  • Melee Attack 44 to 42
  • Armour-Piercing damage 98 to 94
  • Bonus vs Infantry 10 to 15
  • Cost 1200 to 1150

Colossadon Hunters (Ripperdactyl Riders)

  • Melee Attack 54 to 52
  • Armour-Piercing damage 98 to 94
  • Bonus vs Large 10 to 15
  • Cost 1500 to 1450

Pahuax Sentinels (Terradon Riders)

  • Cost 800 to 850

Red Crested Skinks

  • Melee Attack 26 to 24
  • Armour-Piercing damage 20 to 19
  • Cost 600 to 575

Cohort of Sotek (Red Crested Skinks)

  • Melee Attack 34 to 31
  • Armour-Piercing damage 20 to 19
  • Cost 850 to 825

Feral Stegadon

  • Charge Bonus 76 to 70

Ancient Salamander

  • Charge Bonus 40 to 30
  • Melee Attack 34 to 32
  • Melee Defence 32 to 29
  • Leadership 60 to 65
  • Ammunition 18 to 20
  • Cost 1250 to 1050

Salamander Hunting Pack

  • Cost 950 to 850

The Umbral Tide (Salamander Hunting Pack)

  • Cost 1200 to 1100

Razordon Hunting Pack

Amaxon Barbs (Razordon Hunting Pack)

  • Cost 1200 to 1075

Bastiladon (Solar Engine)

  • Cost 1100 to 1200


  • Cost 1600 to 1550

The Thunderous One (Ancient Stegadon)

  • Cost 2400 to 2450

Chameleon Skinks

  • Cost 600 to 650


  • Mass 5000 to 4000

Skin Wolf Werekin

  • Melee Attack 45 to 43

Beasts of Tashnar (Norscan Warwhounds)

  • Cost 650 to 700

Maws of Savagery (Skin Wolves)

  • Cost 1450 to 1500
  • Armour-Piercing damage 39 to 40
  • Base damage 21 to 20

Skin Wolves

  • Melee Attack 32 to 30
  • Armour-Piercing damage 21 to 20
  • Base damage 39 to 40

Skin Wolves (Armoured)

Marauder Berserkers

Brutes of the Hound (Marauder Berserkers)

  • Melee Attack 50 to 48

Skaven Chieftain (Bonebreaker)

  • Melee Attack 50 to 48
  • Armour-Piercing damage 312 to 290
  • Base damage 118 to 120


Packmaster (Brood Horror)

  • Melee Attack 40 to 38
  • Armour-Piercing damage 275 to 250

Throt (Brood Horror)

  • Melee Attack 50 to 48
  • Armour-Piercing damage 305 to 275

Skaven Warlord (Brood Horror)

  • Melee Attack 50 to 40
  • Armour-Piercing damage 275 to 250


  • Melee Attack 54 to 52

Plague Priest

Plague Priest (Plague Furnace)

  • Melee Attack 30 to 28

Skaven Warlord (Bonebreaker)

  • Melee Attack 50 to 48
  • Armour-Piercing damage 322 to 320
  • Base damage 138 to 140

Brood Horror

Mutant Rat Ogre

  • Armour-Piercing damage 345 to 320

Morskittar’s Hellion (Mutant Rat Ogre)

  • Melee Attack 64 to 61
  • Armour-Piercing damage 345 to 320

Rat Ogres

  • Melee Attack 26 to 24
  • Armour-Piercing damage 58 to 55
  • Base damage 22 to 20

Pit Fighters of Hell’s Deep (Rat Ogres)

  • Melee Attack 34 to 31
  • Armour-Piercing damage 58 to 55
  • Base damage 22 to 20

The Thing-Thing (Hell Pit Abomination)

  • Cost 2250 to 2200

Plague Monk Censer Bearers

  • Melee Attack 31 to 29

Plague Monks

  • Melee Attack 28 to 26

Blightscab’s Plaguepack (Plague Monk Censer Bearers)

Gutter Runners (Poison)

  • Cost 850 to 825

Gutter Runners Slingers (Poison)

Settra (Chariot of the Gods)

  • Can no longer hide in forest

King Nekhesh’s Scorpion Legion (Skeleton Spearmen)

  • Cost 600 to 550

Necropolis Knights

  • Cost 1450 to 1425

Necropolis Knights (Halberds)

  • Cost 1600 to 1575

Vampire Fleet Captain

  • Number of projectiles 0 to 1 (no gameplay change just a data bug fix)

The Tide of Skjold (Zombie Pirate Deckhands Mob)

Depth Guard

Depth Guard Halberds

  • Melee Attack 42 to 40

The Bloody Reaver Deck Guard (Depth Guard)

  • Melee Attack 52 to 50

Red Duke

Red Duke (Barded Nightmare)

Red Duke (Hellsteed)

Red Duke (Zombie Dragon)

  • Melee Attack 44 to 42

Vampire Blood Dragon Lord

Vampire Blood Dragon Lord (Barded Nightmare)

Vampire Blood Dragon Lord (Hellsteed)

Vampire Blood Dragon Lord (Zombie Dragon)

The Konigstein Stalkers (Skeleton Warriors)

  • Cost 500 to 475


The Devils of Schwartzhafen (Vargheists)

Blood Knights

Crypt Horrors

  • Armour 15 to 30
  • Melee defence 25 to 26

Corpse Cart (All variants)

  • Mass 450 to 1100


Archaon (Dorghar)

Lord of Change


The Daemonspew (Forsaken)

Chaos Warhounds (Poison)

  • Cost 475 to 450

Sisters of Twilight (Ceithin-Har – Forest Dragon)

  • Melee Defence 40 to 42

Glade Lord (Forest Dragon)

Glade Lord Female (Forest Dragon)


  • Melee Attack 65 to 63



  • Cost 850 to 1000
  • Melee Attack 60 to 58

Wraiths of the Frozen Heart (Dryads)

  • Cost 800 to 825

Loec’s Tricksters (Wardancers – Asrai Spears)

  • Cost 1300 to 1350

Great Stag Knights

  • Melee Attack 35 to 33
  • Armour-Piercing damage 44 to 42
  • Base damage 22 to 21

Lost Sylvan Knights (Great Stag Knights)

  • Melee Attack 44 to 42
  • Armour-Piercing damage 44 to 42
  • Base damage 22 to 21

Glade Riders (Hagbane Tips)

Wild Riders

  • Melee Attack 34 to 32
  • Armour-Piercing damage 14 to 13
  • Base damage 28 to 27

Wild Riders (Shields)

Wild Hunters of Kurnous (Wild Riders – Shields)

  • Melee attack 43 to 41
  • Armour-Piercing damage 14 to 13
  • Base damage 28 to 27

Forest Dragon

  • Melee Defence 36 to 38

Hawk Riders

  • Cost 950 to 1000

Total War: WARHAMMER II Update 1.12: Spells



  • All Spell Lore passives cost 100
  • All Common Spells cost 100
  • All Uncommon Spells cost 150
  • All Rare Spells cost 200


There was an inconsistency in how much damage WH2 and WH1 spell lore’s miscast explosion would do. All spells have now been unified to do the following damage:

  • Explosive base damage 288
  • Explosive AP damage 300


The Dwarfs have been without a comparable magic system to Spells used by all other races. The Runic Magic system has been created to bring the Dwarfs into parity with other races while keeping their playstyle unique.

Key differences between Spells and Rune Magic:

  • Rune Magic does not use Winds of Magic
  • Once a character uses a Rune, all other Runes on that character will also be put on a shared cooldown
  • The Rune that has been used exhibits a longer individual cooldown to prevent repeated recasting of the same Rune
  • Rune Magic resource is character bound, not army bound like Winds of Magic
  • Rune Magic has a shorter range than Spells in general, emphasising good Runesmith/Rune Lord positioning.

Notable changes between the old Rune abilities and the new Rune Magic system:

  • Runes can now be overcast to become Master Runes (like Spells these are stronger versions of Rune but have a risk of miscasting and increased cooldown time)

  • The Anvil of Doom mount’s innate ability Locus of Power now damages any Spellcaster that casts Spells within range of the Anvil of Doom (100m range)

  • The existing three Runes (Wrath & Ruin, Oath & Steel, Negation) effects have been modified for the new system

  • Most notably Rune of Wrath & Ruin is now a targeted Explosion, and no longer a slow

  • Three new Runes have been created to bring Rune Magic on par with Spells:

  • Rune of Breaking – grants Armour-Sundering and increased Weapon Strength to target ally

  • Rune of Speed – grants Melee Attack and Speed to target allies

  • Rune of Slowness – reduces Speed and Charge Bonus of target enemy.

  • Most notably Rune of Wrath & Ruin is now a targeted Explosion, and no longer a slow

  • Rune of Breaking – grants Armour-Sundering and increased Weapon Strength to target ally

  • Rune of Speed – grants Melee Attack and Speed to target allies

  • Rune of Slowness – reduces Speed and Charge Bonus of target enemy.


Vindictive Glare upgraded

  • AP missile damage 25 to 65
  • Base missile damage 65 to 25
  • Projectile number 10 to 5
  • Explosive missile AP damage 25 to 55
  • Explosive missile base damage 55 to 25
  • Mana cost 8 to 7


Burning Head

  • Base damage 14 to 12

Burning Head Upgraded

  • Base damage 21 to 18


Aspect of the Dreadknight

  • Added Causes Fear
  • Added Magical Attacks

Aspect of the Dreadknight Upgraded

  • Added Causes Fear
  • Added Magical Attacks
  • Mana cost 9 to 8
  • Recharge time 28s to 29s


  • Duration 25s to 18s
  • Base weapon damage -30% to -25%
  • AP weapon damage 0% to -25%

Soulblight upgraded

  • Duration 50s to 36s
  • Base weapon damage -30% to -25%
  • AP weapon damage 0% to -25%


Enfeebling Foe

  • Duration 22s to 17s

Enfeebling Foe Upgraded

  • Duration 44s to 34s

Smoke and Mirrors

  • Speed 12% to 10%


Bestial Surge

  • Charge bonus 18% to 15%


  • Rarity Uncommon to Common
  • Mana cost 11 to 4
  • Duration 11s to 20s
  • Recharge time 45s to 30s
  • Changed from AoE to Single Target
  • Melee attack 0 to -24
  • Leadership -8 to 0
  • Speed 0% to -25%
  • Charge speed 0% to -25%

Devolve Upgraded

  • Rarity Uncommon to Common
  • Mana cost 20 to 9
  • Duration 22s to 20s
  • Recharge time 45s to 30s
  • Overcast changed to effect range
  • Melee attack 0 to -24
  • Leadership -8 to 0
  • Speed 0% to -25%
  • Charge speed 0% to -25%


  • Rarity Common to Uncommon
  • Mana cost 7 to 9
  • Target range 200m to 100m
  • Base explosive damage 15 to 20

Viletide Upgraded

  • Rarity Common to Uncommon
  • Mana cost 9 to 13
  • Target range 200m to 100m
  • Base explosive damage 15 to 20
  • AP explosive damage 7 to 10


  • Mana cost 12 to 11

Traitorkin Upgraded

  • Mana cost 20 to 18
  • Speed -48% to -25%

Mantle of Ghorok

  • Mana cost 11 to 12
  • Duration 29s to 26s

We have also added an Upgraded version of Mantle of Ghorok.


Wyssan’s Wildform

  • Duration 22s to 19s
  • Base weapon damage 30% to 25%
  • AP weapon damage 0% to 25%

Wyssan’s Wildform Upgraded

Pann’s Impenetrable Pelt

  • Duration 44s to 31s
  • Speed 24% to 0%
  • Melee defence 0 to 24

Pann’s Impenetrable Pelt Upgraded

Curse of Anraheir

  • Duration 39s to 21s
  • Accuracy -30 to 0
  • Melee defence 0 to -24

Curse of Anraheir Upgraded

Transformation of Kadon (Manticore)

  • Mana cost 18 to 20


Shield of Saphery

  • Ward save 11% to 10%


Plague Rash

  • Speed -12% to -10%

Bless with Filth

  • Mana cost 5 to 4

Bless with Filth Upgraded

  • Mana cost 8 to 7

Pestilent Birth

  • Mana cost 14 to 16


Toxic Rain



  • Cost 158 to 150
  • Changed from targeting allies to target enemies
  • Armour 0 to -15
  • AP weapon damage 12% to 0%

Rune of Negation

  • Duration 25s to 24s
  • AoE to Single Target
  • Recharge time 90s to 120s
  • Wind up time 0s to 3s
  • Ward save 22% to 40%

Master Rune of Negation

  • Duration 18s to 40s
  • AoE to Single Target
  • Recharge time 120s to 180s
  • Wind up time 0s to 3s
  • Ward save 44% to 40%

Rune of Oath and Steel

  • Duration 25s to 44s
  • Recharge time 90s to 120s
  • Wind up time 0s to 3s

Master Rune of Oath and Steel

  • Duration 25s to 44s
  • Recharge time 120s to 180s
  • Wind up time 0s to 3s
  • Armour 30 to 60

Rune of Wrath & Ruin

  • Duration 15s to 10s
  • Removed number of uses cap
  • Recharge time 90s to 120s
  • Wind up time 0s to 3s
  • Changed from Hex to Explosion

Master Rune of Wrath & Ruin

  • Duration 30s to 10s
  • Removed number of uses cap
  • Recharge time 120s to 180s
  • Wind up time 0s to 3s
  • Changed from Hex to Explosion

Locus of Power

  • Effect range Mapwide to 100m
  • Recharge time 0s to 6s
  • Changed from targeting allies to targeting enemies
  • Magic resistance 15% to 0%
  • Enemy Spellcasters suffer Miscast explosion when in range

Total War: WARHAMMER II Update 1.12: Abilities


  • Melee Attack 8 to 10

  • This has been counterbalanced by a reduction in Melee Attack by 2 on the majority of units with Frenzy, as noted above.

  • Charge bonus 8% to 10%

  • Base weapon strength 15% to 10%

  • AP weapon strength 0% to 10%

  • This has been counterbalanced by a reduction in Melee Attack by 2 on the majority of units with Frenzy, as noted above.


  • Speed -24% to -15%
  • Base weapon damage -20% to -15%
  • AP weapon damage -20% to -15%
  • Base missile damage -20% to -15%
  • AP missile damage -20% to -15%

The Brass Cleaver

  • Melee attack 9 to 10

Featherfoe Torc

  • Melee defence -9 to -10

Potion of Foolhardiness

  • Charge bonus 36% to 40%

Deadly Onslaught

  • Charge bonus 36% to 40%
  • Cost 158 to 150


  • Speed -36% to -35%


  • Speed 6% to 5%

Chilling Aura

Aura of Protection

  • Ward save 12% to 10%

Primal Fury

  • Charge bonus 8% to 10%
  • Speed 12% to 10%


  • Cost 244 to 100
  • Leadership 15 to 4
  • Melee attack 0 to 5
  • Charge bonus 0% to 10%
  • Auto-deactivate “Out of Melee” removed
  • Recharge time 0s to 60s
  • Added recharge context “Recharge in Melee”

Slaughterer’s Call

  • Cost 239 to 200
  • Melee attack 9 to 10
  • Charge bonus 8% to 10%

The Unrelenting Warherd

  • Condensed 4 abilities to 1 (Single version based off version III)
  • Melee attack 16 to 15

Strength of the Land

  • Condensed 4 abilities to 1 (Single version based off version III)
  • Missile resistance 0% to 5%

Horn of the First Beast

  • Charge bonus 18% to 20%

Beloved Son of Bretonnia

  • Charge bonus 8% to 10%

Lance (Formation)

  • Charge bonus 36% to 40%
  • Charge speed 12% to 10%

Flying Wedge (Formation)

  • Speed -24% to -25%
  • Charge bonus 36% to 40%

Diamond (Formation)

  • Speed 54% to 60%
  • Charge bonus 36% to 40%

Fleur de Lys Banner

  • Melee attack 9 to 10
  • Melee defence 9 to 10

Aura of the Lady

  • Magic resistance 12% to 10%

Spirit of the Tempest

Heartrender and the Darksword

  • Melee attack -9 to -10

  • Melee defence -9 to -10

  • Melee attack -9 to -10

Bloodshield of Khaine

  • Physical resistance 6% to 5%

Fury of Khaine

Barbed Net

  • Missile resistance -12% to -10%
  • Speed -12% to -10%


Helm of the Kraken

  • Melee defence 9 to 10

Kindle the Fury

  • Melee attack 9 to 10
  • Charge bonus -8% to -10%


The Trial of the Blades

Rune of Stoicism

  • Removed Unbreakable
  • Added Charge Defence vs Large
  • Changed from active to passive

Flash Bomb

  • Changed from self-target to target enemy

Rune of Courage

  • Changed from Active to Passive

Ancestor Rune

  • Rarity Common to Uncommon
  • Changed to passive
  • Activates when below 25% health

The Great Book of Grudges

Hammer of Angrund

  • Melee attack 9 to 10
  • Charge bonus 16% to 15%

High King

Ironwardens Shield

Ironbeards Bracer

  • Physical resistance 33% to 20%
  • Speed 12% to 10%

Gate Keeper’s Helm

  • Missile resistance 11% to 20%

Gate Keeper’s Belt

  • Ward save 33% to 40%

Starmetal Plate

The Stirland Runefang


  • Explosion now counts as fire damage

Emergency Vent


  • Speed 18% to 20%

The White Cloak of Ulric

  • Melee Attack -9 to -10
  • Speed -6% to -5%

Da Boss’ Loons

  • Initial recharge 0s to 15s
  • Recharge time 90s to 45s
  • Added recharge context “In Melee”

Spinning Loons

The Loons of the Eight Peaks

Initial recharge 0s to 15s

  • Recharge time 90s to 45s
  • Added recharge context “In Melee”

Language of da Boyz

  • AoE effect range 40m to 30m
  • Duration 30s to 16s
  • Cost 159 to 150

Lucky Banner

  • Cost 238 to 200
  • Duration 30 to 25
  • Melee attack 40 to 24

Da Great ‘Un Iz ‘Ere

  • Cost 162 to 150
  • Duration 20 to 21
  • Leadership 16 to 8


Warpaint of Wurrzag

Bonewood Staff

Pump Harder Ladz

Best of Da Best

Dragon Slayers Fang

War Paint


  • Target range from 100m to 75m

Blizzard Aura

Attuned to Magic

Star Lance

  • Charge bonus 50% to 60%

Guardian Phoenix

Sacred Incense

  • Missile resistance 12% to 10%

Ruby Guardian Phoenix

  • Fire resistance 12% to 10%

Diamond Guardian Phoenix

  • Physical resistance 12% to 10%

The Shadow Crown

Shieldstone of Isha

Swiftness of Itzl

  • Duration 35s to 32s
  • Speed 36% to 25%

Protection of Quetzl

  • Duration 12s to 35s

Protection of Quetzl Upgraded

  • Duration 20s to 55s

War Drum of Xahutec

  • Speed 6% to 5%
  • Charge bonus 4% to 5%

Sunburst Standard of Hexoatl

  • Missile resistance 12% to 10%
  • Melee defence 6 to 5

Mask of Heavens

Ark of Sotek

  • Base weapon damage 5 to 0
  • Removed “Poison” contact effect
  • Added Damage over Time contact effect “Sotek’s Poison”

Blade of the Ancient Skies

  • Melee attack 16 to 15
  • Charge bonus 8% to 10%
  • Base weapon damage 18% to 20%
  • AP weapon damage 18% to 20%

Golden Death Mask

The Horn of Kygor

Primal Instincts

  • Charge bonus 16% to 15%


Rage Stage Two

  • Physical resistance 11% to 10%

Stage Three

Berserk Stage One

  • Physical resistance 22% to 20%

Stage Two

Ruinous Flesh

  • Missile resistance 11% to 10%

Frenzied Assault

Flaming Axe of Cormac

  • Melee Attack 9 to 10

Vicious Assault II

Warp Discharge

  • Rarity Uncommon to Rare
  • Cost 150 to 200

Strength in Numbers

Snare Net

  • Speed -12% to -10%
  • Charge speed -12% to -10%

Scurry Away

Tretch’s Raiders

Lucky Skullhelm

Duck and Weave

Pipes of Piebald

  • Charge bonus -8% to -10%

The Cloak of Shadows

Crown of Nehekhara

Magical Void

  • Magic resistance 33% to 30%


Vambraces of the Sun

Helman’s Blight

Heart Piercing

Honour or Death

Red Fury

Black Scythe

Mark of Khorne

Howl of the Forest

Horn of the Wild Hunt

  • Charge bonus 54% to 60%

Banner of the Hunter King

Banner of the Eternal Queen

  • Ward save 6% to 5%

Ceithin Har’s Tenacity

  • Charge bonus 9% to 10%

Twilight Helm

Dragon Mask I

Dragon Mask II

Dragon Mask III

Twilight Horn I

Twilight Horn II

Total War: WARHAMMER II Update 1.12: Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where interrupting a projectile-type spell could allow the player to cast it without cost or cooldown, and outside of the cast range
  • Fixed an issue that was stopping 360 fire on Great Stag Mounts for Glade Lords and Glade Captains
  • Fixed an issue where Glade Riders T-posed whilst they were part of the Hunters of Kurnous Rogue Army
  • Fixed an issue that had Dragon Ogres use Zoat visual effects for their animations
  • Chariots will no longer collide with invisible dead bodies
  • Throgg’s Fimir Linebreakers ancillaries now apply ‘Rattled’ effect
  • Fixed some instances where Units did not break their hidden state when they fired while moving
  • Stopped the Damage Value Tracker from tracking friendly fire damage
  • ‘Whip of Agony’ ability can no longer be cast on artillery
  • The ‘Eagle Bow’ ability now has it’s VFX displayed correctly
  • Fixed an issue where an overly harsh morale penalty is applied when the player only has flying units left
  • Fixed a situation where the player is unable to overcast Magic Missile spells
  • Fixed some instances where Sea battles would load incorrectly
  • Fixed a modding issue where unit-variant colour behaviour would not match schema data
  • Mousing between Shot Type tooltips rapidly will no longer cause the text to become offset
  • Replaced some placeholder icons appearing on characters in the Post-Battle screen for faction ‘Court of the Nighthawk’
  • Spellweavers no longer goes bald once they die
  • Fixed some issues with unexpected holes appearing in Grimgor Ironhide, Black Orc Warboss and Orc Warboss after their death animations had played
  • Fixed an issue when Unit Icons could appear beneath the terrains on Black Ark Landing maps
  • Fixed some terrain height issues on MP Blue Reach River map
  • Solved an issue where opening and closing the settlement gates on some Small Settlements would be very loud
  • Arachnarok spiders no longer share the same 3D/2D Porthole in battles
  • The sound effects of the Warden’s Cage ability no longer persists after the Lord is wounded/killed in battle
  • Fixed a variety of crashes and text issues.


  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to complete Campaign Objectives for certain factions during playthroughs where Chaos Invasion was disabled
  • Army reinforcement lines now show when an army is close by
  • Fixed an issue where the player could instantly confederate Wydrioth and Torgovann as Orion or Durthu in a Multiplayer Mortal Empires Campaign
  • Explosive squig kills are now calculated in the post-battle screen
  • Fixed an instance of broken terrain next to the Witchwood in the Mortal Empires Campaign
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when capturing a lord with the Warden’s Cage ability
  • Fixed an issue where Very Hard/Legendary settlements required fewer growth points per level than lower difficulty levels
  • UI will now accurately reflect Army unit count when teleporting between deep root locations whilst recruiting
  • Waaagh! marker no longer remains indefinitely if the faction that called it is destroyed
  • the active Waaagh! target button can no longer be click-dragged around the map
  • Fixed an instance where Waaagh! armies would spawn with larger armies than their parent army
  • Fixed issues where Waaagh! armies caused the movement point bars of their parent armies to display incorrectly and allow usage of Ambush Stance with no movement points remaining
  • Fixed an issue as Clan Eshin, where Eshin Actions information is displayed in the central panel whilst Clan Contracts is selected
  • Fixed an issue where the upgrade button for Athel Tamarha Buildings did not update instantly when selecting to upgrade a prison
  • Fixed an issue where UI would not close/open correctly when confederating a faction with an army without a Lord
  • Fixed a variety of crashes and text issues
  • Nakai will no longer incorrectly gift certain regions to Empire factions.


  • All Slann units no longer count towards Rare Single Entities.
  • Great Stag mounts were counting as rare single entities
  • Vampire Fleet Captains no longer count towards ranged unit cap.
  • Fixed an issue were some Wood Elf character eagles were counting towards High Elf Eagle caps.