On a recent TotalWar.com blog post that you can find here, Creative Assembly has announced that Total War Saga Troy will be an Epic Games Store exclusive for 12 months. In addition, the game will also be free for those who claim it in the first 24 hours on August 13 when the game launches on the Epic Games Store.

Further on in the same blog post, Creative Assembly revealed that the studio was approached by Epic Games who asked if Troy could be an Epic exclusive. In addition, Epic Games is also apparently paying for Total War Saga Troy to be free in the first 24 hours on launch day for Total War’s 20th birthday. The studio also clarified that this deal is also a one time one year deal and that they have no further plains for future games to be Epic exclusives.

Later on, they expressed that this decision was too good of an opportunity to pass and they also felt it was the best choice for players, and Creative Assembly. In addition, the opportunity would allow the company to experiment with expanding to new platforms, thus allowing more players from around the world to access TotalWar Games. Creative Assembly also stated that the deal gives them a lot of new ways to evolve and improve on their games.

Furthermore, the studio further stated that the money the deal will bring is going to be put back into Creative Assembly to do just that. In addition, big changes and new possibilities behind the scenes are now being made possible due to this exclusive deal.

At the end of the post, Creative Assembly had a favor to ask, this being to keep all criticism regarding this deal to the studio as a whole and not to take it out on individual employees on social media. They also stressed that they understand why some may be upset regarding this decision, but taking it out on employees won’t solve anything because they can’t change anything nor did they make the decision in the first place.