The Disney Channel original series Amphibia officially came to an end on May 14th, 2022, with the episode The Hardest Thing, and the title speaks for itself. Though the series came to a rather definitive closing, it has remained one of the most popular modern Disney TVA series ever since it began in earlier 2019. Series creator Matt Braly has since gone on to talk about the development of the show, as well as tease its potential continuation. That is what we will be talking about today: what are some of the best potential Amphibia spin-offs that could be on the horizon?

While it is unlikely we will be seeing any of these Amphibia spin-offs any time soon, it is still fun to think about the possibilities and look at what can be. Whether Braly decides to hold water on this statement remains to be seen, but until then, let’s dive into five potential Amphibia spin-offs that could best follow up from The Hardest Thing.

1. Amphibia: The Adventures of Sprig, Polly, and Ivy

The ending of Amphibia provided great closure to the arcs of various characters, both on Earth and in Amphibia, and the conclusion to the stories of characters like the three main girls, Olivia and Yunaan, King Andrias, and others were all satisfying in their own way. While this was mostly the case for the Plantar family as well, their story, in particular, still seems to have a lot of potential to continue. We see how much Sprig and Polly grow up in the years that go by, and we know from Ivy that she and Sprig became adventurers, and the last we see them do is venture out to explore a newly discovered continent.

The very idea of a new continent in this world is exciting in and of itself, but such as thing brings forth the question of what other discoveries lie hidden throughout Amphibia’s larger world. Who’s to say there are not more mysterious and strange continents or islands out there just waiting to be discovered? Perhaps there are remnants of ancient civilization before the establishment of the monarchy and use the stones to conquer other worlds. The possibilities are effectively endless, and seeing Sprig and Ivy go on these adventures together in a sequel mini-series could be a fun way to expand on the lore, developed their relationship, and perhaps see what life is like for other characters in Amphibia post-finale. We would also get to see how much Polly, Hop Pop, and other characters have grown too, and maybe even they could join in on the adventure!

2. Amphibia – The Chronicles of Andrias, Leif and Barrel

The Core and the King is perhaps one of Amphibia’s best episodes, solely due to how it dives into the backstory and motivations of the character of King Andrias and the events that would lead up to the state of Amphibia we see in the story. We get more insight into the Core, what happened that caused Andrias to become the person he is today, why Barrel was out protecting villages, why frogs are treated the way they are, and other such things. But while we do know the aftermath of these things, we never see how the trio of Andrias, Leif, and Barrel go on after it.

We are told these things in the story and can assume what happened based on what we know. Leif eventually married and died of old age, her family soon birthing the Plantars; Barrel dies by protecting a village from a terrible beast; and Andrias spends the next 1,000 years isolating himself from his people and implementing some of the policies that lead to the oppression of frogs, the rise of the toad authority, and other such things that planted the seeds of discord between the races of Amphibia.

But while we are told all of these things, either directly or indirectly, we never get to see them from the perspective of these three characters. How did Leif go on knowing that she betrayed her closest friend, and did she do anything to possibly try and resist the insurrection against frogs that Andrias put in place? Or did she simply distance herself from Amdrias as much as possible? Barrel didn’t do anything wrong, yet Andrias essentially pushed him away. How did he feel about this, and what was he thinking when he died. As for Andrias, there is quite a bit to be explored about his relationship with the Core, his legacy, and his thoughts on what he would come to do later on.

All of these could easily be explored in an Amphibia prequel series spin-off of sorts focusing on these three characters and the aftermath of The Core and the King.

3. What’s Up with Marcy’s Webcomic in Amphibia?

This would probably be one of the most interesting Amphibia spin-offs, as it would be based on something we have little to no knowledge of. It could be a sort of The Cat Returns situation, where it is based on a story within a story and dives into the world made up by one of the characters, in this case, Marcy!

We don’t have much of a basis to go off of, as the webcomic is only mentioned in passing in the final moments of The Hardest Thing, but that doesn’t mean a new story can’t sprout from it. Creating and telling an entirely new story based only on one line might be difficult, but it could make for a fun experiment. What kind of story would Marcy even want to tell? Perhaps one based on her adventures in Amphibia, something we are more familiar with? Or perhaps something entirely new that she made up on her own? The possibilities are endless for something like this, and that’s what makes it such a good option.

4. Full Amphibia Prequel Spin-Off

Amphibia is a series with a lot of unexplored lore. As good as the story and characters are, the narrative often takes a rather minimalistic approach to some of the deeper aspects of its lore, namely the history of the Calamity Box, the purpose and creation of the Core, and other such things.

While the show explores all of these things, it doesn’t go into great detail about many of them, and even after the series has ended, there are still some unanswered questions: Why exactly were mortals given the stones, and how did they come into the possession of the royal family? How long has the Core existed, and why was it created in the first place? Who came up with the prophecy, and how did they know about it?

Admittedly, a show does not need to go into concrete detail about its lore to be good, but it would still be interesting to answer these questions and see what Amphibia was like in the past, in general, long before Anne, Sasha, and Marcy’s arrival. Getting to know this past in the form of a prequel series would be the most fun option. We could see the first King receive the Calamity Box, and maybe, at first, it had a different use. We could see why the Core was created and who was the first to join. We could see a more primitive or ancient amphibian civilization and explore the dynamics amongst the ancient newts, toads, and frogs. This one would certainly be the most in-depth.

5. Amphibia Spin-Off: What Happened on Earth?

Amphibia is a story that focuses on a young girl who is mysteriously sent to another world, leaving her old one behind and trying to come home. While it makes sense for this story to focus on the world she travels to, one aspect of this that the story does not touch on is the aftermath of this event. When we visit Earth later, we learn that Anne, Sasha, and Marcy have all been missing for five months and that during that time, their families were likely extremely worried about them. However, we know next to nothing about this event affecting each of them personally or seeing what they were doing during those five months to try and find their children.

A mini-series that takes place on Earth and focuses on the perspective of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy’s parents would be perfect for exploring this. We know the most about how Anne’s parents were affected by this, but very little about those of Sasha and Marcy even after the series has ended, we’ve yet to see Sasha and Marcy’s parents. This series would be the opportunity to dive into what happened on Earth while the trio was in Amphibia and provide some deeper perspective into the dynamics and personalities of their parents.