Since the original was released on Nintendo 64 in January of 1999, Super Smash Bros. has been a monumental franchise. This series provided the only real view of who would win in a fight between several beloved characters. This series has spanned two decades and five consoles, making it a Nintendo staple at this point. The newest installment is just as popular as ever. But there is no more divisive a question to ask any true gamer than who is the best fighter. With so many games and a list of fighters from all over creation, there’s going to be a few disagreements. But there are things we can take away to help choose the best fighter for ourselves. So let’s go through a few reasons why these ten fighters are completely solid no matter which installment you play. Picking one of these ten won’t guarantee the win, but it will give you a fighting chance.

10) Pokemon Trainer

This character, though not specifically named, looks suspiciously like Ash Ketchum in the male version. Giving you the options of Ivysaur, Squirtle, or Charizard, it allows for a dynamic playstyle. This isn’t the fastest fighter and isn’t going to win any airspeed races, but they are a decent pick. In power rankings, Pokemon Trainer is average, but against the right opponent, you have an edge. But the true benefit to this character is in the final smash. Allowing for all three pokemon to attack at once, this is a pretty devastating move.

9) Sonic The Hedgehog

Unsurprisingly, Sonic is one of the fastest characters in the series. Sonic’s iconic blue blur streaking across the screen as fans have come to expect in Super Smash Bros. There are a series of moves based on the Sonic Spin and that, mixed with breakneck speed, makes Sonic an asset. This ability culminates in his final smash, allowing you to stay in Super Sonic mode for 15 seconds. This can be devastating and will make even a new player dangerous. This speed is what allows Sonic to be so challenging to go up against, no matter how good you are.

8) Ness

Not many have played EarthBound, the game Ness hails from, but he is a powerful fighter to be sure. With psychokinetic abilities as well as a deadly yo-yo, this fighter is not to be trifled with. Yes, this kid. Not only is his speed relatively fast for the character, but Ness’s abilities also make him a dangerous weapon. With the ability to absorb long-range attacks with his shield, turning the energy into health, good luck stopping him. Not only that, but this character makes up for his lack of a double jump with the most powerful saving move. Combining his electrical attack with good aim, you can catapult yourself back from the edge. He’s one of the most resilient characters because of this.

7) Sheik/Zelda

While Zelda is a lightweight fighter and a slow runner, she makes up for it where it counts. With various magic spells at hand, and the ability to transform, don’t sleep on this character. She can switch to Sheik, a ninja-like character more focused on stealth and quick stealth attacks. Not to mention that both characters possess a teleporting ability that can be used to save you. This can be a vital ability when trying to hold your own against a better Super Smash Bros. player. With Zelda focused on long-distance and Sheik on stealth attacks, this dual character can help you win. Just as long as you don’t let her get knocked around too hard in the process.

6) Donkey Kong

Most gamers don’t need an introduction to Donkey Kong and his origins, he’s been a staple in these games. His massive charged punch has knocked more than a few experts off their high horse. Even against experts, DK is a wild card and can help people close the gap between them and their opponents. But he’s definitely not fast, and his strength is countered by how heavy he is. If you’re using Donkey Kong to help you win, stay as far from the edge as you can. Being knocked off is a big hazard, but it’s worth it for that punch. It can take out even heavy characters if they’ve been softened up a bit. Just make sure you don’t get hit too hard along the way.

5) Mario

The poster boy for Nintendo, Mario comes out of the gate as a well-balanced fighter in this series. A mixture of quick attacks and a very decent throw make Mario a fast character. It’s easy to get people on the ropes by using him correctly. His fireball attack is also pretty effective, and overall he’s relatively fast. Keeping ahead of the game is best with Mario, making sure you don’t get weakened early. He’s not very heavy and is subject to getting knocked off easily with the right attacks. But if you’re looking for an overall balanced character, Mario is a solid choice. Not to mention he’s a classic for a reason, showing up in all installments of the Super Smash Bros. series. Keep your eyes open and remember “I’m the best!”

4) Kirby

Hailing from Kirby’s Dreamland, Kirby is not only a great fighter, but he’s also got all the moves. No, seriously, he can steal other players’ moves and use them to fight. It’s a simple formula, you use Kirby’s powers to absorb other fighter’s moves, and kill them with their own attacks. Aside from that, Kirby has almost half a dozen jumps, making it hard to keep him from coming back. Even though he’s almost too light, Kirby has an unreasonable amount of jumps to help him return. This means if you keep getting knocked off, you can keep coming back for more. Just be sure to use their own powers against them to teach them not to mess with this little marshmallow puff.

3) Samus

Samus Aran, from the Metroid series, is one of the beefiest characters and is difficult to fight. Not only is she covered in heavy body armor that makes her hard to knock out, but she’s also heavily armed. With a series of weapons in her arm cannon and other attacks besides, Samus comes out swinging. She remains relatively fast and her charged cannon blast is enough to knock almost anyone off the stage. Having been in almost every game, Samus is an easy go-to character when trying to win. Picking Samus is a relatively safe bet no matter who you’re facing. Just make sure you don’t miss with the cannon, it’s a LONG recharge. 

From the land of Hyrule, Link is the hero of the Legend of Zelda games. He’s also a hero in the Super Smash Bros. franchise. He brings a sword and shield to the fight, along with an array of other weapons. While generally slow and heavy, Link has several quick sword strikes that can deal damage. Not to mention he’s usually carrying bombs, a boomerang, and a bow and arrow. This arsenal allows him to be one of the more formidable characters and keeps him relatively safe. His fighter weight keeps him from being knocked out too easily. Just make sure to keep the enemy on their toes, and Link has the weapons to keep you safe. His sword is the real secret, allowing you to do massive damage with a variety of swings and stabs. 

1) Fox McCloud

The hero of the Starfox series, Fox McCloud appears in most of the Super Smash Bros. series. His trademark weapon is his laser blaster, and that paired with his speed makes him a deadly character. With a catalog of moves all focused on speed and maneuverability, Fox can take on some of the best fighters. If you can handle the speed, you’re already at an advantage. Sonic is the only character who can keep up with Fox and that’s only in Super Sonic mode. Keep the opponent on the defensive as you let loose a barrage of quick attacks. Between punches, kicks, and blaster bolts, your opponent will have trouble keeping up with you. Other characters are as dangerous, but none as fast and deadly as Fox McCloud. When you choose this fighter, be ready to move fast enough to eliminate your competition.

So Who’s Best for Me?

That’s all in how you play Super Smash Bros. If you focus on keeping hidden, pick a stealth character. If you like being out in the open, pick a brawler. The best part about these games is that they are a true testament to the skill of a fighter. No matter how good you think you are with a specific character, there’s someone out there who can beat you. And no matter what you think, there’s SOMEONE who can kick your butt with that character you think is weak. And with a game this popular, LOTS of people are playing. The best way to find out who to play as is to get in as many rounds as possible. That way, no matter who your opponent chooses, you can be prepared to make them regret it.