We’re back for part two of my top 10 eShop winter sale countdown! Here we’ll be covering 5 through 1 of the best deals money can buy. All of the games on this part of the list are great titles that I’d wholeheartedly recommend if they sound like your kind of thing. Much like part 1, I’ve tried to include a mix of mainstream AAA titles along with some brilliant indies. With no further wait, let’s get on with it!

#5 Planet Alpha

40% OFF, $11.99/£9.59 – 76 Metascore

Another niche slot on the list goes to Planet Alpha. I consider Planet Alpha to fall into the same category of great games like Inside and Limbo. They’re not mainstream by any standards but those who do play them realize just how good they can be. They use slow-paced gameplay along with well-constructed puzzles and platforming segments to create an engaging yet relaxing atmosphere.

I’d have liked to have seen this a little cheaper, perhaps 50/60% off but at those prices its still a really good deal. This isn’t going to appeal to everyone and you have to know beforehand if it’s your sort of game. If it is, however, there’s no doubt in my mind you’ll have a great time playing. For something that may be a safer investment or a little more mainstream, I’d recommend looking further down this list.

#4 Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

34% OFF, $25.99/£22.79 – 78 Metascore

What is there to say about this? It’s Crash Bandicoot at its finest. Certain critics say that Crash hasn’t stood the test of time and it feels a little rough by 2018’s standards. Personally, I thought it was still great to play. Classic platforming action combined with creative level design and a wide range of mechanics on display. Certain aspects like the controls can feel a little archaic but at no point does it seriously obscure the overall experience.

Before jumping on this sale though it’s worth noting that this only brings Crash down to a competitive rate, not an amazing one. The exact same title is cheaper on both Xbox One and PS4 without a sale involved in the first place. Its Steam price is similarly matched and, if you can run it, the PC version is the best option. However, if its the handheld element you value then paying a couple dollars more in this sale is well worth it. Probably best that only those who either loved the original games or have played more recent Crash titles and enjoyed them pick this up.

#3 Mega Man Legacy Collection 2

25% OFF, $14.99/£8.99- 83 Metascore

Kind of similar to what I said about Crash except these games are better in both quality and value. The Mega Man series hosts some of the best challenging 2D games of both retro and current eras. In this bundle deal, you get Mega Man 7,8,9 and 10 which are basically the best of the franchise outside of 2 (which starred in the original collection). You can’t really go wrong with these titles as they are extremely polished and combine the best of retro and contemporary gaming.

Whilst not available in the US, there is also a surprise sale for Mega Man 11 that takes its price down 20% to £19.99. Considering how new a game Mega Man 11 is, it’s pretty impressive we’ve gotten a sale at all. For those who can save that 20%, I’m going to recommend that sale over this one as Megaman 11 is an extremely good game.

#2 Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle

50% OFF, $59.99/£14.99- 85 Metascore

This is so scandalous it could be a news story on its own. Mario & Rabbids at 50% off should be the single best deal in this entire sale. Not only does that bring it down to an all-time low cost, it even brings it far below the physical cost at retailers. Getting a title that’s only just over a year old, this cheap, this quick is a rarity in this industry. The problem? Well, you may have noticed the staggering price disparity between what UK and US folk are paying. That’s because this sale isn’t available in the US.

That’s really rough, especially considering Kingdom Battle was already half the price on this side of the Pond just by default. We’re now able to get it 25% of the US eShop price digitally. Nintendo of America really needs to be a little more giving for this special time of year. Regardless, for those who can get this sale and have any remote interest in tactics games, you just should. This is an exceptional deal.

#1 Shantae: Half-Genie Hero

50% OFF, $9.99/£7.99- 82 Metascore

The best 2D platformer of the modern age? Probably. I think Owlboy comes close but it’s the newest Shantae game that offers everything you could want as far as I’m concerned. It looks gorgeous, feels wonderfully responsive and whilst not the longest game in the world, has enough content to keep you going. If you find yourself really enjoying it you can even invest further into the story expansions for a combined $8.98, also down 50%.

At that price range, it’s hard to imagine any other deal even coming close in this sale. You’re effectively being offered an era great for 10 bucks. To put that in context, there are sports games with meaningless digital packs that cost more than that. Do yourself a huge favor this Christmas and pick this absolute gem of a game up. I promise it’s worth every penny.

Wishing you a Happy Christmas, everyone!