Tom Schwartz says he gets his heart stomped on this season of Vanderpump Rules. He is, of course, speaking of his former romance with Katie Maloney. A woman who has changed her hairstyle as often as her clothes. And now the two are splitting up and doing it in front of the camera on Vanderpump Rules. I have said it before and will say it again, but breakups are rough enough without a camera in your faces. But considering these two live their whole lives on camera, this should be pretty normal for them, at least.

But all in all, the two have had a remarkably amicable divorce. As much as reality TV can bring out the worst in people, sometimes it shows they are more like us than we think.

Tom Schwartz Vanderpump Rules Dirt

Via RealityTea

“In an interview reported by Entertainment Tonight, Schwartz did reveal what fans could expect from his relationship with Katie in the coming episodes. ‘You see this?’ he asked, gesturing toward his heart. ‘You’ll see this get torn out, thrown on the floor and stomped on. Just kidding!’ he quickly added. ‘I love you, Katie. I’m just joking.’”

So is Tom Schwartz being honest about this season of Vanderpump Rules. Because anyone who knows Schwartz knows he is more akin to doing the heart stomping himself. But it’s pretty clear from the quote, and the vibe between the two was just riffing and having some fun. But it is intriguing to think that we will be able to watch these two fall in love now we can watch them fall out of it. It’s always one or the other, right?

Tom Schwartz knows just what to say to entice us to keep watching Vanderpump Rules. Nothing like a good old heart stomping to spice up the ratings. And all kidding aside, they seem to be handling it well, making for compelling TV.