If you haven’t seen, EA has been pushing a lot of their games to Steam. It started with games like Sims 3 and Mass Effect 3 but has recently gotten some more games. There’s A Way Out, a lot of the Battlefield games and, most importantly here, Titanfall 2. Titanfall 2 hasn’t exactly had the most active player base on PC over the past few years, barely reaching 1,000 players concurrently every day. It was really sad when I finally got the chance to play it because it’s a really good game. Through this Steam release though, Titanfall 2 seems to be seeing a bit of a return.

Looking at Steam Charts right now, Titanfall 2 is sitting at nearly 7,000 players on Steam. That’s a massive increase from the 3,000 it had yesterday, so players just keep coming. Even I rebought it yesterday since you can’t argue with its current sale. It’s nice to see because having an actual player base of new players means you don’t get stomped out of the gate. That was the big issue with the game having such a low player count. As long as this keeps going up (or stays where it is), this could bode well for Titanfall in the months to come.

For those who haven’t heard much about Titanfall 2, I can’t say I blame you. The first title put a sour taste in a lot of people’s mouths, given its lack of story effort. It also released during a busy time, so it got overshadowed by other titles. I’d easily consider it 2016’s sleeper hit though, offering a great story with some solid gameplay, along with some good multiplayer and PvE ventures. If you have $10 to spare, I can’t recommend the game enough.

I hope to see you out there in Titanfall 2 as well. If you have played it, what did you think of it? Any other sleeper hits you think deserve attention? Let us know, and stay tuned at The Nerd Stash for all your news, reviews, and more!