American stand-up comic and actress Tiffany Haddish spoke up this Wednesday about the aftermath of the ‘now-dismissed’ child molestation lawsuit, claiming that it has left her without a single job. The star, alongside Aries Spears, was accused by siblings named Jane and John Doe of inappropriate sexual skits as minors by the comedians.

To others, she’s clearing her name, but to her, she has lost everything. She confirmed this at LAX to TMZ photographers. The star is now feeling relieved that the case has been dismissed but claims she’s concerned for the accuser, Jane, and her brother, John.

Tiffany Haddish is only concerned about losing jobs as she’s not speaking much for Aries Spears.


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Tiffany Haddish Expresses Regret Over Child Molestation Lawsuit

Earlier, the actress and her team denied her involvement in creating the skit with the accusers, who were children at the time. Jane was 14 at the time, while John was half her age. The siblings went ahead to sue the comedians with claims of being traumatized for life. Her attorney declared that the lawsuit was a shakedown.

Tiffany Haddish’s attorney claimed that the Molestation lawsuit was an attempt to extort the NBC‘ Carmichael Show star. According to the attorney, Andrew Brettler, several lawyers have taken up the case for the accusers. But they dropped the case after discovering that their claims are meritless.

Now that the siblings are grown, they claim that the experience marred their social life. In the lawsuit, Jane says that she has been traumatized, and it has prevented her from dating. She’s scared that she’ll be taken advantage of and deceived, just like the defendants when she was a kid.

In the same suit, the siblings stated that they have developed social disorders. The star later expressed regret for participating in the role. The lawsuit has been dismissed, but Tiffany Haddish is unhappy that she lost all her jobs over the molestation lawsuit.