With all the latest technological advancements in robotics, we have seen robots become a part of many human activities in recent times. Now, we know that robots can be helpful for humans, especially for the elderly, to carry out many labor-intensive tasks. So, applying that theory, a man from the US-State of Florida has created a unique robot to insert and remove eye lenses.

Back in the year 2000, Craig Hershoff, the man developed the robot, was diagnosed with Fuch’s dystrophy. For this, the man almost lost his eyesight. However, after three corneal transplants over the next ten years, the man was finally able to keep his ability to see, although he needed high-powered lenses.

“What is so unique and special about this device is that there is a camera attached so you can see where the lens is going and exactly how it’s being placed. Any type of anxiety or nervousness is gone because you are controlling the device and it’s extremely gentle and safe.”, he continued.

Now, according to its maker, the robot uses special suction cups to measure the amount of pressure needed to insert or remove the lenses. Moreover, the user will be able to control it themselves and monitor the eye into which they inserting the lens in real-time. This will help the user to “track the motion of the contact lens at all times”.