In an attempt to curb the spread of the Coronavirus-led pandemic, office meetings have become these monotonous Zoom calls where you just sit in front of the screen – that too muted in many. So, if you are someone who is simply tired of attending those long Zoom video calls with your boss yelling at you and your colleagues through a monitor, then you will give me a thousand thanks. Here’s a nifty tool that lets you sabotage your Zoom calls to escape them smoothly, without any consequences.

Dubbed Zoom Escaper, this ingenious web-based tool, as the name tells, helps you to escape Zoom calls by making your audio unbearable for others. It essentially lets you add annoying background noises to your Zoom calls to use them as an excuse to skip the calls. Pretty clean, ain’t it?

How Does it Work?

Once set up, you can start a Zoom call and select your default microphone as “VB-Audio”. This way, the audio-routing tool channels the Zoom call audio through Lavigne’s Zoom Escaper website. Using the tool, you can then add various background noises to your audio calls to make them unbearable for your colleagues and boss.

The background noises range from echo effects to bad connection-noises in which the tool will break your audio to make it seem like you have a bad network. There also are noises of an upset baby, a man weeping, wind, dogs, construction, and even urination (not sure why, though!). You can even upload your own .mp3 sounds files.