Cyber Monday, Black Friday, and the big holiday shopping season is right around the corner in most Western markets, and we will be seeing a number of users flocking to grab smart gadgets on the cheap. While there are plenty of deals to go through, wouldn’t you like to know whether than shiny new gadget is actually secure and not just a creepy spy-toy?

And that’s not all, the product description further details whether you’re being spied on, and highlights discrepancies in the devices. For example, if you pick the somewhat creepy Google Pixel Buds wireless earphones, you would be told that it shares data with third-parties and the privacy policy makes for poor reading.

You can also go ahead and provide your own rating on the “creep-o-meter” and vote on whether you’re likely to buy it or not. You’ll be able to see what others think of the same once you’ve voted.