We have seen companies come up with innovative smart backpacks and luggage carriers in the market over the past couple of years. Along the same line, back in 2019, a company named Piaggio Fast Forward developed an automated luggage carrier for pedestrians dubbed Gita. Now, the company is aiming to launch a more modern version of the cargo hauler in a compact backpack form.

The Gitamini is pretty compact compared to the Gita. It is about half the size of the previous version and weighs 12 kgs. However, as it is an automated carrier, you won’t need to carry it around. Plus, it comes with an extendable handle to pull around like regular baggage or hoist it up the stairs or sidewalks.

The wheels of the robotic luggage are independently powered, enabling it to make zero-radius turns. There is also a third motor that helps maintain the overall balance of the Gitamini during acceleration and deceleration. Furthermore, it will keep a safe distance and speed to avoid bumping onto its owner or other pedestrians. Users can use the companion app to control the various features.

The company has also integrated a “pedestrian etiquette software” into the robot. This essentially trains the Gitamini to keep a track of its owners and intelligently dodge other pedestrians and obstacles while on the move.