When we see a visualization of the future in science fiction movies, the first thing that they show is cars and bikes flying around in a high-tech city. While we have seen unique, convertible cars that can take off like an airplane, that future might be a bit too far as of now. However, if everything goes right, we might see a flying car-backed taxi service in Japan by 2025. Check out the details below right now!

Back in September 2020, Japan-based company Skydrive Inc., focusing on flying cars and cargo drones, demoed the first flight of its unique, eVTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) vehicle with a person onboard. Now, the same company has partnered with Suzuki to develop a new model of its eVTOL vehicle to showcase it at the 2025 Osaka World Expo.

Going forward, Skydrive will continue to develop its two-seater flying vehicle, improving the design and implementing safety features. The company aims to demo the flying car at the 2025 Osaka World Expo and eventually start a taxi service in Japan with a fleet of SD-05.