Sony, before the unveiling the design of its upcoming PlayStation 5 console, unveiled the new “DualSense Controller” for the PS5 with a ton of new changes. One of these features includes an entirely new and unique system for the L2 and R2 trigger-buttons which enables the controller to adapt to a game you are playing and adjust the tension of these buttons. This will give players different sensations for different in-game activities as they have to apply a different amount of pressure every time the button-tension changes.

So, for starters, the new adaptive trigger modules are massive compared to the trigger buttons of the DualShock 4 controller. And putting them side-by-side will give you a glimpse of how far Sony has come with its tech to make the DualSense controller a really advanced gaming tool. Screenshot from TronixFix’s video

So, if a single gear of the adaptive system of one of the buttons gets damaged, a technician can replace that single gear, as all of the components are easily accessible. This is because, unlike other companies that shut these systems with glue to prevent third-party repairs, Sony used screws to shut the contraption, and kudos to them for that.