The COVID-19 pandemic, as we all know, has forced teachers and students to adapt to virtual learning via video conferencing apps like Zoom or Google Meet. So, if you are a teacher, taking classes from home, and have been struggling to share documents, reports, or books with your students due to the lack of an overhead document scanner, there’s now an app for that.

Now, this app is a simple alternative to overhead document scanners that lets teachers “project or stream a top-down video of anything the presenter wants to physically show on their desk”. It uses the screen-sharing option of video conferencing apps and lets teachers stream a top-down video of a document or a book using the iPhone’s back camera(s).

So, the Overviewer app eliminates these issues by providing a clean UI and dedicated buttons to rotate a video-stream sideways. The app also has buttons to turn on/off the phone’s flash and change lenses during a Zoom call session.

Now, Chapman says that the app is “tailor made” specifically for his wife’s use case. However, he published the app on the App Store anyway to help other teachers in similar situations use it to their advantage.