While there are a lot of perks of owning an electric vehicle, taking a long drive in it can become a hassle if the battery runs out of charge mid-way. So, I think that is why every EV owner should have “JumpSmart”, the ultimate emergency battery starter kit, in their trunk for an unexpected emergency situation. Because it is better to be safe than sorry!

Now, the 37,000mWh portable vehicle jump starter kit comes in a compact protective kit bag. You can use the kit even if you do not have any prior experience of starting a dead battery. This is because the device comes with an array of built-in safety features and a proper instructions guide to help you out with the process.

To use the device, you just take out the 10-inch long “JumpSmart” device that has the necessary connectors at the back. Now, take the “smart” jumper cable that comes with the kit and connect it to the relevant connector to start the process.